By 2012 Film Is Dead was the word in the Industry, New Digital Cameras were coming out every few months each one better than the prior, Kodak filed for bankruptcy, and almost everyone was shooting digital except for a few people holding out and continuing to shoot on film. During this time Metro Post continued to support these clients with processing and scanning services and as each year passed, we have seen motion picture acquisition steadily growing. it is like a whole new generation has discovered film and are blown away by the aesthetics that film delivers. At Metro Post we do our best to make clients budget work to shoot film.
The new lab is designed to process s8mm/S16mm motion picture color and black and white reversal as well as 35mm motion picture color negative
There has not been a local NYC lab for Super 8 processing for a number of years, Super 8 shooters were subject to long turnaround times to get their film processed, we vowed to change that and in the ever demanding film world of fast turnaround is one of the reasons why we decided to open our own lab.
Kodak has bought back this iconic stock to the still and motion picture film users to much appreciation. So we decided to add that to our processing services. All of our processing machines were built by the now defunct Allen Film Processor Co in Connecticut. We have totally re built them with modern controllers.
Services include S8/16mm, Film Processing for B/W and Color Reversal,Color Negative in S8,16 & 35MM
2k or 4k Scanning in S8,16 and 35MM
All our scan packages include 2 sets of files: A over scanned flat pass pro rez hq and a graded pro rez hq. or if you prefer any of the DNxHD formats. Also included is your files copied onto client hard drive
Uploads are available for a additional fee.